About the course

Certification in IT (With special reference to Web & Mobile)

We identified there are many certified degree holders who qualified from Universities and institutions who are struggling even to find their internships. This practical short course will help them to understand the knowledge gaps while identifying the MOST suitable Job for their expertise and personality!

Whether it’s


  • SEO/SEM Specialist?

  • UI/UX Designer

  • Software Engineer?

  • Mobile App Developer?

  • QA Engineer?

  • Etc..

We invite students after O/Ls & A/Ls who are planning to pursue their careers in the Software domain and also interns who are seeking internships in the IT industry.

About the course

This Short Course offers a wide range of hands-on, industry specific and up-to-date courses in software, Mobile app and web Design realm. All courses are practically designed with industry experience and expertise along with specifically scrutinized research findings. Students can select or follow a programme of study, depending on their perceived knowledge gaps and chosen career path. Theoretical areas are covered only where necessary as the said course is not yet another course for bibliophiles. Furthermore it upkeeps the practical emphasis, thereby combining the best practice of training & teaching in the Software sector.